Photo "In The Light" Copyright © Paolo Campisi, Sicilian Family Productions,
All Rights Reserved
In The Light
Lord, you cleanse my life.
When I am in your presence,
the confusion,
the pain,
flow like rivers away
from my soul.
Tears of release run from my eyes.
Father, tell me why
I cry tears of
sadness and joy
in the same sigh.
Longing for the day
that all tears are wiped away.
Yet, while I praise and pray,
the tears you'll wipe away
are from a longing deep inside of me.
A place in my heart
You have touched with
and sanity.
Such sweet moments of release,
reflecting on that light that shines
from eternity,
an eternity
spent with you,
a taste of the joy ahead of me.
Lord, I long for your presence
to surround me,
to change my body,
consuming me,
all I am to be in You.
To come home.
where I belong,
with you.
P. J. Campise